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发布时间: 2018-04-26 22:48
Walking Through the Jungle
2018-04-26 22:48

walking through the jungle

walking through the jungle

what do you see?

what do you see?

I think i see a lion

Roar roar roar

chasing after me

chasing after me

Floating on the ocean

Floating on the ocean

what do you see?

what do you see?

I think i see a whale

Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh

chasing after me

chasing after me

climbing in the mountins

climbing in the mountins

what do you see?

what do you see?

I think i see a wolf

Howl  howl  howl

chasing after me

chasing after me

swimming in the river

swimming in the river

what do you see?

what do you see?

I think i see a crocodile

Snap Snap  Snap

chasing after me

chasing after me

Trekking in the desert

Trekking in the desert

what do you see?

what do you see?

I think i see a snake

Hiss  Hiss  Hiss

chasing after me

chasing after me

slipping in the iceberg

slipping in the iceberg

what do you see?

what do you see?

I think i see a polar bear

Growl Growl Growl

chasing after me

chasing after me

Running home for supper

Running home for supper

Where have you been?

Where have you been?

I've been around the world and back

I've been around the world and back

and guess what i've seen

and guess what i've seen

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